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Emergency Dentistry And The Coronavirus (COVID   ) Disease Precautions: Which Dental Procedures Should You Wait For Treatment At This Time?

Emergency Dentistry And The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease Precautions: Which Dental Procedures Should You Wait For Treatment At This Time?

Do you think that you need emergency dentistry and the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease and subsequent lockdown is making you wait? While emergency dentistry services are still available, it is important for those who are in need of dental services to understand which dental procedures are available right now and which ones can wait to be treated…

Get A Mouthguard From Your General Dentistry Practice To Prevent Tooth Wear

Get A Mouthguard From Your General Dentistry Practice To Prevent Tooth Wear

Tooth wear can be very difficult to prevent. However, with the help of general dentistry, patients can undergo certain treatments or therapies to help reduce the chances that severe wear occurs. A great type of preventive therapy for tooth wear is a mouthguard. Mouthguards are known to be protective and preventive, which goes a long…